Das Volk

1) VOLK – Maltag/ Drawing Day on May 6th :

On May 6th is ‚Kinderweltmaltag', it's a special day for children to let them paint and draw and stimulate their creativity.
The artist Leo Stern will provide paint equipment for parents and their children and coach them on the 4th floor of hamburg's ‚stilwerk'. stilwerk is an exclusive marktplace for home interior, design and lifestyle products.

At this point Leo Stern will display his spectacular sculptures, the chromed giant emmets named ‚VOLK' (nation/ peoples), till may 26th. So kids are allowed to draw emmets, also parents could let their imagination to Leo Stern's ‚VOLK' run wild. Afterwards the results will be donated to the foundation „Kindermalen“, an organization for underprivileged children worldwide.

Also Leo Stern will contribute 100 autographed screenprints, which show the first draft of the ‚VOLK', (amounting of 200 euro). There will be 700 fortunes for 15 euro each. Five of them will flow into a good cause, into the donation ‚Kunst.Bildet.Wissen.'
Our mediapartner will contribute the fortunes. The price will be given at the exhibition on 26th may, the day of the Finissage. If you are the lucky winner, but you aren´t able to be there on that day, we will send you the price. You can register here or click for more information:
info@dasvolk.com or telephone number: 00491723067863

DAS VOLK, Leo Stern, Basel 2008, Photo: Tom Fecht